Sunday, June 18, 2006

He Makes All Things New

My parents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary last December. Their pastor said a few words and asked us what it was that enabled them to have such a strong and happy marriage. Lots of things came to mind, but he interrupted my thoughts with a profound truth found in scripture.

"God makes all things new."

That was it.

"When life gets tuff and emotions go from love to nothing or even hate, we need to stay comitted to our loved ones and ask God, "Please Lord, forgive me for my part in this and make all things new....make our love fresh as the morning."

This has blessed me already. When I struggle in relationships now, whether marital or just friends or family, after doing all I know to do to make things right, I ask God to 'make all things new'. And you know what? He does!

When the Lord sees a humble heart crying out for help and sees the child like trust in His children, He swiftly comes to their aid.

He desires to help us and is closer to us than the air we breath.

"He who is seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!"....Revelation 21:5


Blogger Cat said...

Beautiful writing, and so powerful. :) Thanks for your prayers.

8:50 AM  

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